Install on a GNU/Linux server

These instructions will work for any of the GNU/Linux distributions where Docker is supported and can be installed.
Only 64 bits distributions are supported. Do not try to install on a 32 bits operating system!

You will need a GNU/Linux server. Because of the use of linux containerization technology, other operating systems (FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and others) are not supported.
If you do not have a server, look at the documentation to rent one: Install in the cloud or opt for a managed (SaaS) solution via Deltablot PRO Hosting.
Be aware that installing eLabFTW means it will need to be maintained, by regularly applying updates, configuring the backups properly, and hardening the host operating system. If you do not have GNU/Linux System Administration knowledge, it is recommended to consider the SaaS offering.
Absolutely required dependencies
A containerization technology such as docker or podman.
A MySQL service is already declared in the default configuration file, so you don’t have to worry about installing MySQL. A container with MySQL will get created from the official MySQL docker image. Do NOT install mysql-server
Alternatively, you can use another pre-existing MySQL service on your network. Important, it must be MySQL, not MariaDB. If you do that, make sure to comment out/remove the mysql
container from the docker compose configuration file.
The following MySQL modes are known to work fine with eLabFTW codebase:
Strongly recommended dependencies
curl, to get files from command line (very likely already installed)
docker compose plugin, the tool to orchestrate containers, required by elabctl. It can be installed with the docker-compose-plugin package.
dialog, required by elabctl install
borgbackup, a backup tool required by elabctl backup. Not required during installation.
You can have your normal user in the docker group to execute docker commands without sudo (see documentation). This is generally convenient for development environments and not recommended in production.
Ubuntu users: Docker as a snap is known to cause issues. Uninstall that and install it without snap. See this issue.
Configure eLabFTW
A proper subdomain is required!
We will install elabctl
, a tool to help you manage the elabftw installation. It is not required to install it but it is quite handy so it is recommended (also it’s just a bash script, nothing fancy). If you you do not wish to use elabctl
and just want a YAML config to edit, see instructions below for advanced users.
With elabctl (recommended)
# get the program (a bash script) and make it executable
curl -sL -o elabctl && chmod +x elabctl
# add it to a directory in your $PATH
sudo mv elabctl /usr/local/bin/
Pre-fill the configuration file:
elabctl install
Edit the configuration file (
by default):Edit the YAML configuration to suit your server setup. For instance, you might want to change the port binding (default is 443 but it might be already used by a traditional webserver). See below for using the container with a reverse proxy.
Note about TLS certificates
The eLabFTW container can run an HTTP or HTTPS server. Both will run internally on port 443.
Option A: HTTP mode
You can run the container in HTTP mode (internal port 443) only if you have a reverse proxy in front doing TLS termination and sending X-Forwarded-Proto header.
Reverse proxy configurations examples can be found here.
Option B: HTTPS mode with Let’s Encrypt certificates
In order to request Let’s Encrypt certificates, you need to install certbot
and have your server publicly accessible. See official Let’s Encrypt documentation for your system. When requesting a new certificate, make sure that port 80 is open (and also port 443 for eLabFTW if it is the one you want to use). Once certbot is installed, the command to use might look like this: certbot certonly --standalone -d
.Uncomment the line - /etc/letsencrypt:/ssl in the volumes: part of the yml config file.
Option C: HTTPS mode with custom certificates
Have the private key and certificate in PEM format in the folder /etc/letsencrypt/live/SERVER_NAME/
matches the SERVER_NAME
configuration variable. The files need to be named fullchain.pem and privkey.pem. The webserver in the container expects TLS certificates to be in a particular order and format. Make sure that your fullchain.pem file contains certificates in this order: <certificate> <intermediate ca> <root ca>, with PEM encoding.
.Uncomment the line - /etc/letsencrypt:/ssl in the volumes: part of the yml config file.
Option D: HTTPS mode with self-signed certificate
The container can generate its own certificate. Only use this if you have no other choice, as users will see a warning that the certificate is invalid because it is self-signed.
Using Apache, nginx, HAProxy or traefik as a reverse proxy
Mandatory if you use Option A above (HTTP mode). All the documentation related to such configurations can be found here.
Start eLabFTW
elabctl start
Without elabctl (advanced users)
Get the config with:
curl -so docker-compose.yml ""
Edit this file and docker compose up -d
to launch the containers.
Initialize your database
Import the database structure with:
elabctl initialize
# same as: docker exec -it elabftw bin/init db:install
Replace elabftw in the command above by the name of the elabftw container if yours is different (for instance if you have several containers running with redis as session handler). You can check this with elabctl status
or docker ps
Register a Sysadmin account
Point your browser to https://<>/register.php
Post install
Don’t forget to setup backup, and subscribe to the newsletter!
The next step is to read the Sysadmin guide.
Advanced configurations
Changing the userid/groupid of uploaded files
By default, the container will run nginx user with uid:gid 101:101. As a result, user-uploaded files will be saved on the host with this ownership.
If you prefer to have a dedicated or specific user own the uploaded files (for instance, an elabftw
user), you can configure the user and group to be created in the container when it starts. Refer to the section near ELABFTW_USER
in the configuration file for more details.