How to update


Be sure to read the release notes, they might contain important information. And have a backup.


If you are running out of disk space, you can do “docker system prune -a” to free up some space taken by old images.

STEP 0: Before the update

Make sure to figure out what version you are running and read the release notes for the new version.

The current running version can be seen in the bottom right of every page.


Be sure to read the release notes, they might contain important information. And have a backup.

STEP 1: Specify which version you want

Start by editing your configuration file (/etc/elabftw.yml by default) and change the version of the image (line image: elabftw/elabimg:X.Y.Z)

The latest version can be found on this page.

STEP 2: Launch a new container

With elabctl

elabctl update

Without elabctl

In the directory where you have the docker-compose.yml file:

docker-compose pull
docker-compose down
docker-compose up -d

STEP 3: Run the database migration

# change the name of the container if it is different in your configuration
docker exec -it elabftw bin/console db:update
# Note: for version 3.3 to 3.4 use this instead
docker exec -it elabftw bin/console db:updateTo34
# Note: for version 2.x to 3.x use this instead
docker exec -it elabftw bin/console db:updateto3

Congratulations, you are now running the latest version! Make sure to keep your installation regularly updated!

If you encounter an issue during the database migration, open a GitHub issue!

Note that you can use db:revert XYZ to revert the changes made by schema XYZ, or use –force to ignore errors (only do that if you know what you are doing!).

Updating from incredibly old versions

If you are running eLabFTW version <3.4.0 (from March 2020), you’ll want to run db:updateto34 after upgrading to 3.4.0 (again, always read the release notes from the version you’re targeting).

If you are running eLabFTW version <3.0.0 (from April 2019), you’ll want to run db:updateto3 after upgrading to 3.0.0.

If you are running eLabFTW version <2.0.7 (from December 2018), you’ll want to update more often so you’re not stuck with an incredibly outdated software application.