Let’s define a few terms first:
Instance: a running eLabFTW service, for example:
Team: the main way to compartimentalize users
Sysadmin: a user with Sysadmin rights can modify the Instance configuration and create Teams, it is generally the same person that installed the Instance
Admin: a user with Admin rights for a given team has access to the Admin Panel and can manage settings related to their Team. A given user can be Admin in Team A and User in Team B
User: a user with an account on the Instance, belonging to at least one Team
General principles
One eLabFTW instance can host several Teams.
Every User needs to belong to at least one Team. Every team must have at least one Admin user.
│ │
│ eLabFTW Instance │
│ │
└────┬───────────┬─────┬─┘ ┌──────────┐
│ │ │ │ Team C │
│ │ │ ├──────────┤
│ │ └──────► │ Admin 1 │
│ │ │ User 1 │
▼ ▼ │ User 2 │
┌──────────┐ ┌──────────┐ │ User 3 │
│ Team A │ │ Team B │ │ User 4 │
├──────────┤ ├──────────┤ └──────────┘
│ Admin 1 │ │ Admin 1 │
│ User 1 │ │ Admin 2 │
│ User 2 │ │ Admin 3 │
│ User 3 │ │ User 1 │
└──────────┘ │ User 2 │
│ User 3 │
A Team generally correspond to a real life research group or service. It is not advisable to use Teams as Projects as this doesn’t scale well (and Teamgroups can be used instead for that purpose). A User can belong to several teams if needed, they will then need to select a team upon login.
Every Team has one or several Admin, who can change many settings affecting users in the team, such as the default experimental template, categories for database items (Items Types), experiments Status, Tags, etc…
Teams are created by the Sysadmin from the Sysconfig page (see documentation).
Experiments and Resources
There are two main types of records that exist: Experiments and Resources. They are listed in their corresponding page, accessible from the main top menu.
Experiments are the main aspect of the ELN: it is where users log their results.
Resources correspond to a repository of things present in the lab, generally physical things, such as plasmids, equipment, antibodies, chemical products, etc… They have different properties than experiments, although both objects are similar in many aspects. A Resource can be made bookable (so they can be booked in the Scheduler) or procurable (so we can order more of it).
By default, Experiments and Resources are restricted to a team. But users can choose to extend this to all registered users or even anonymous users if enabled by the Sysadmin. An extensive fine-grained permission system is available for both types of records and their corresponding templates to have complete control on who get to read/write what.
User accounts
There are several ways to manage users, they can be created by a Sysadmin, an Admin, during authentication with centralized directory, or users can create their account directly.
Users can directly create their account on the register page (/register.php), accessible from the login page. They will need to select a team from the list.
By default, newly created accounts are disabled. The admin of the team needs to validate them by going into the admin panel and activate new users.
It is also possible to provision users or use an external authentication service such as an Identity Provider (IdP/SAML2) or LDAP directory.